All in Journey


At the beginning of December, I passed my CWNA… JUST… I got 72% and I needed 70%.

I don’t think I’m alone in feeling like I’d like to get at least above 90% on these types of exams. There are reasons for me ‘scraping’ through but I won’t go into them here!

ECSE Troubleshooting

From the start, it’s a great refresher on the basics of RF and ran through the same things as the beginning of the Design course. It was helpful to me even though I’d literally done it the week before (hopefully, it’ll help me remember it). We also went through the now-famous Troubleshooting Process that Keith came up with.

My WiFi Toolbox - So Far...

The first tool in the toolbox is my 15” MacBook Pro (2017 - Touch Bar). I love my Mac. I loved it before I started in WiFi and now I love it even more. Sure, there ate a few bits of software I miss out on (WinFi, Omnipeek, Metageek) but it’s worth the trade-off. Plus, I can always fire up a VM to use those if I had too.

ECSE Design

To start, the course was great. An overview of the ‘basics’ (which if you haven’t looked into WiFi before are anything but basic) that gives you everything you need to start designing great WiFi.

Embedding a Tweet

So now that I’m trying out this blog thing and for me twitter is the best way to find out what’s happening in #WiFi my first thought was ‘ I wonder how I can add a tweet into my blog?’…

My #Wifi Journey so far...

Quick thanks to Nick Turner @nickjvturner and Ferney Muñoz @ferney_munoz for suggesting I start to blog. Nick suggested that even if I’m the only one who ever reads it at least I have a quick way to find things I’ve learnt and that if I’ve found a workaround for something or a new feature etc, chances are someone else could do with knowing that info too! I would say, however… I’m not a writer, I’m dyslexic. This will be hard for me!