Install Metageek Eye P.A. on macOS

The first time I saw Metageek’s Eye P.A. (Presented at WLPC19 by Joel Crane) It reminded me instantly of David McCandless’ ‘Information is Beautiful’ (UK Amazon - US Amazon). I love that book!! It also reminds me of Daisy Disk (an amazing disk space utilisation app). For some reason, I just assumed it would work on a Mac (I mean, what Windows app looks that good?!?!). I was wrong… sort of.


At the beginning of December, I passed my CWNA… JUST… I got 72% and I needed 70%.

I don’t think I’m alone in feeling like I’d like to get at least above 90% on these types of exams. There are reasons for me ‘scraping’ through but I won’t go into them here!

Capture packets from your iPhone or iPad via Remote Virtual Interface in Wireshark

Every now and then you need to find out what a client is trying to do. Sure, you could put your favourite packet capture device right next to the device and filter stuff out but sometimes you want to know exactly what the device is trying to reach or do. This will also give you the data that goes over cellular - Great for troubleshooting cellular handoff - if you wanted it.